Lucy combines 'art' and 'photography' to produce NZ themed artworks. She is well known for her large scale panoramic landscape photographs - 'Auckland City at Night,' 'Kohi in Summer' as well as her popular urban graffiti collages.
Over the last 6 years she has built up an extensive range of photograpic artwork and has been commissioned to work on many interior projects.
Now her photographic artwork is available for hire.
Why hire ?
a) Great for people who are renting and wish to have some great artwork but don't want to commit to buying.
b) Perfect for offices / boardrooms & receptions that want to be able to change their artwork from time to time.
c) Can't afford to buy ? - then rent in the meantime. Once the rental time has expired, then there is a chance to purchase the artwork if you wish at retail price minus the rental amount already paid.
Lucy is an Auckland based registered Commercial photographer, Fellow member of the NZIPP and two time NZ Professional Photography Catergory Winner.
lucyg > All Categories

Intuos 3 Wacom graphics tablet A4 size
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Intuos3 gives you the power to quickly and professionally edit photo's and create digital artwork....
Hire provider:

'Faces of Auckland' 80cm x 80cm canvas art
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Art hire - Funky, vibrant and fun - these artworks tell a story. This Auckland...
Hire provider:

Canon 580EX II Speedlight
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Canon's premier Speedlite, for all photographers, including professionals.Newly designed with improved dust/water resistance and greater...
Hire provider:

145cm x 137cm large resin artwork
Home & Living, Furniture, Appliances
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
This amazing artwork is created by resin infused Marimekko fabric, which is then vacuum moulded...
Hire provider:

'Femme Fatale' 80cm x 80cm canvas art
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Art hire - Funky, vibrant and fun - these artworks tell a story. This collage...
Hire provider:

'Politically Incorrect' 80cm x 80cm canvas art
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Art hire - Funky, vibrant and fun - these artworks tell a story. This collage...
Hire provider:

Navman MY55 car GPS
Electronics > GPS Receivers
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
New to the country and need some directions ? Or going on a roadtrip ?...
Hire provider:

Photographic stitching and Photoshop touchup work etc.
Design & creative > Graphic Designing
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Lucy G is a renown NZ landscape photographer and specialises in panoramas, 360 degree photography,...
Hire provider:

'Urban Riot' 80cm x 80cm canvas
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
Funky, vibrant and fun - these artworks tell a story. This collage is based on...
Hire provider:

Auckland City at Night 2.6m long triptych photo
Location: Sandringham, Auckland City
'The focal point of any room, this stunning city photograph is superbly sharp with a...
Hire provider: