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All Categories > Agencies, Services, Help > Domestic services for hire
Domestic services
Latest additions and updates in Domestic services
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Agencies, Services, Help > Domestic services

Location: Ohope, Whakatane

Per Item

Hire provider: kararaina

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House Cleaner

Domestic services > Cleaning

Location: Avondale, Auckland City

Hire provider: yuwail

$10.00per hour
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Domestic Ironing Service

Agencies, Services, Help > Domestic services

Location: Newlands, Wellington City

Wellington-Wide Mobile Pickup & Delivery Service Domestic Ironing. $3.50 per shirt, trousers or skirt. Also...

Hire provider: gandts

$3.50 per item
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Domestic Laundry Service

Agencies, Services, Help > Domestic services

Location: Newlands, Wellington City

Wellington-Wide Mobile Pick up and Delivery Service. Laundry Wash, dry & fold. $15 for first...

Hire provider: gandts

$15.00 per 5 kilo
... for a quote, booking, or more info.
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Hire Things Hire Directory
Tweeddale Contracting Ltd Hire Centre

Tweeddale contracters has been in bussiness for around 25 years. Our hire centre is a new addition to our bussiness,( 2 years) We also do tree thinning . pruning . srub cutting . landscaping . property maintenance . stump grinding . mulching . truck & bulldozer demolition . YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT!!