Kiddy Karts 3-6yrs
Great fun for kids riding these battery powered karts.
Complete with flashing lights at the front, and a tooting horn. The karts have a foot 'button' to push to go forwards or backwards, and they are easy for little ones to get the hang of and control.
Age 3-6 yrs.
Max weight 25kg
Max speed 3km p/hour
(Adult supervision required).
$30.00 per 4 hours
Location: Red Beach, Rodney, Auckland
Areas serviced: Rodney
More details
terms of use:Definitions
1. Owner/we/us/our refers to Amaze Events.
2. Hirer/you/your refers the person who’s name is on the booking form.
3. When the word Equipment is used it refers to the products hired.
4. Contract means the contract between the Owner and the Hirer who is hiring the Equipment
5. The Hire Commences at the time agreed on the booking form as the Date and Time Out, and continues until the Hire Concludes at the time agreed on the booking form as the Date and Time Back, or until you return the Equipment to us, whichever is longer. You will return the Equipment to us by the Date and Time Back or as otherwise agreed with us in writing.
6. Hire Cost refers to price of Equipment as agreed between the Hirer and the Owner.
Terms and Conditions
We agree to hire the Equipment described on the booking form to you on these Terms and Conditions of Hire:
1. Upon receipt of instructions or confirmation by way of payment of the deposit received by the Owner from the Hirer for the supply of Equipment or for services required, it shall constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein. Upon acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Hirer, the terms and conditions are definitive and binding.
2. You will pay the Hire Cost in return for the hiring of Equipment from us. This price shall be as indicated on invoices provided by the Owner to the Hirer. You will pay the Hire Charges for the Hire Term, even if the Equipment is returned earlier than the Date and Time Back.
3. A Deposit totalling 50% of the Hire Cost is required by the Owner within 48 hours of the confirmation of the equipment required by the Hirer. This deposit is non- refundable at the point 3 weeks prior to the Date required.
4. If the deposit of 50% is not received within 48 hours of the confirmation by the Owner, for the supply of Equipment, the booking agreement will be cancelled unless further arrangements are agreed in writing.
5. The Final payment of 50% of the Hire Cost by the Hirer to the Owner is required when the Hire Commences at the latest.
6. The method of payment will be made by cash or by direct credit, or by any other method as agreed to between the Hirer and the Owner.
7. Any costs incurred by the Owner that results from an overdue account, will be payable by you, including debt collection costs and interest on the amount due from the due date until the date of payment.
8. If the Equipment is returned or unable to be collected later than the Date and Time Back, at no fault of the Owner, (without our agreement in writing) the Equipment will be automatically recharged at the current rate for one half day hire.
9. We do not represent that the equipment is new but that it is suitable for normal use.
10. Once the Equipment is collected by the Hirer or delivered by the Owner you are solely responsible for any damage to, or loss of the Equipment until the Equipment is returned to the Owner or collected by the Owner. Any loss or damage due to misuse shall not in any circumstances reduce the Hire Cost.
11. At the point of collection by the Hirer or delivery by the Owner (Hire Commences), you are responsible for inspecting the equipment. A product list tallying all the equipment will be provided. This will be checked and signed by both Hirer and Owner. Any damaged products will be noted. At the collection by the Owner or return by the Hirer (Hire Concludes) the product list will once again be checked for loss or damage and signed by both Hirer and Owner.
12. The Equipment shall be returned in the same condition as it is when the Hire Commences. You will clean the Equipment as necessary before returning the Equipment to us. You will pay us a cleaning charge of $10 per item if the Equipment is not returned in the same condition as when the Hire Commenced.
13. You will take all proper care of the Equipment supplied, and agree to abide by the Equipment Instructions issued with the Equipment. The equipment will be protected from damage or harm. You will notify us immediately if any Equipment is lost or damaged.
14. If any of the Equipment is damaged you will pay the cost of repairs, however if the equipment is unable to be repaired or the repair costs more than replacement value, then you will pay for the cost of replacement. If the Equipment is lost prior to collection or return, then you will pay us the cost of replacement.
15. A $100 bond is required at least 48 hours prior to when the Hire Commences, to cover any damage or loss to any of the Equipment provided. Please allow 3 days from our agreed Date and Time Back by Hirer or collection by Owner for your hired items to be inspected and bond refunded if no items are damaged or lost.
16. You agree it is your responsibility that all children using the Equipment are properly supervised at all times by their parents or caregivers, and the supervisors are aware of, and comply with the Equipment Instructions provided, to prevent injury while using the Equipment, or damage to the Equipment.
17. You agree that we accept no fault whatsoever for any accident that occurs on, around or in any Equipment, and we are not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you or any liability incurred by you as a result of the use of the Equipment or the breakdown of the Equipment, however caused. If any liability does attach to us under this agreement or in any other way, our liability shall be limited to the refund of the Hire Costs.
18. You agree that you will indemnify us against any claim by a third party in respect of any loss, damage, injury or liability arising out of hire of this Equipment or from the use of the Equipment by, or on behalf of you.
19. You acknowledge that agreement is personal to only you and may not be allocated to anyone else. You agree that you will not sublet the Equipment to any other party.
20. If we request, you will immediately advise us of the whereabouts of the Equipment and permit us, our employees and/or agents to inspect and test the Equipment and for such purposes you hereby give permission (which may not be revoked) to the us, our employees and/or agents to take possession of the Equipment and to remove the Equipment from any site and to enter any premises where the Equipment may be.
21. You acknowledge that this agreement may be terminated by the Owner without notice and at our discretion if we feel the following occurs:
1. The Equipment is not being properly used, or
2. The Equipment has been mistreated, or
3. The Equipment is not being kept properly secure, or
4. The Equipment may be lost, or
5. The Hire Charges or any other money due to us are not paid on their due date, or
6. You have committed any breach of this agreement
22. If we terminate this agreement, you agree to advise us immediately of the whereabouts of the Equipment and to assist us, our employees and/or agents to recover possession of the Equipment.
main category: Children's, Toys and Parties > Toys & Play > Ride-On Toys
other categories: Childrens Party Hire
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