humandynamics > Sport and Camping > Camping

Kathmandu Retreat 270 - 2 1/2 room family tent (4+ persons)
Location: Eastbourne, Lower Hutt City
Comfortable living for four people with a large central living area featuring two fully enclosed...
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Tramping Backpack
Sport and Camping > Camping
Location: Eastbourne, Lower Hutt City
75l tramping backpack
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Self inflating camp mattress
Location: Eastbourne, Lower Hutt City
3/4 length self inflating camp mattress.
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Apex Multi Fuel Cooker
Location: Eastbourne, Lower Hutt City
This liquid fuel cooker is for serious outdoor trips where a gas cooker just wont...
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Two Person Tramping tent
Location: Eastbourne, Lower Hutt City
New Zealand made, First Light Tent with Ground sheet, fly and pegs - have slept...
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